Life As A Physical Therapist Assistant

Being a Physical Therapist Assistant at PT360 affords me a great deal of autonomy, for which I am incredibly grateful as others in my profession may not have the same opportunity. Physical Therapist Assistants (PTAs) work under the supervision of a Physical Therapist (PT) to provide treatment and help patients get back to the things they love, and in some cases, that supervision is very directed and doesn't allow PTAs to use the full range of their skills. I work with, in my opinion, the most talented group of PTs and Athletic Trainers (ATCs) in this fine state. Working in a team approach at PT360 helps give each patient that many more opportunities and options for rehabilitation and potential to reach their individual goals. I have the benefit of co-treating patients with other clinicians, some with years of experience in the field and some as newer graduates, which allows for a wide variety of treatment approaches and techniques because of our education and experiences. I like to think of myself as a sponge, always soaking up the vast amounts of knowledge surrounding me and putting them into practical application. This not only helps me become a better clinician, but also benefits the patients as they reap the benefits of the years of experience around them. Having practiced for nearly 24 years, I still feel amazingly fortunate to be able to say that I love my job and I love who I work with. I am not able to say the same for each patient who walks in the door at PT360, but I do know they are able to tell there is a sense of family and camaraderie here that shines through in the exemplary care they receive. So basically, I get to work performing a career that I love, with folks that I admire & learn from on a daily basis, and help people rehabilitate to improve their lives.