Williston - (802) 860-4360
Burlington - (802) 657-7990
Shelburne - (802) 985-9360

Taking Action With APTA Vermont

My name is Amy Sheridan and I am a Physical Therapist, an owner at PT360, and a Board member of the Vermont Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association (VT APTA). I joined APTA Vermont three years ago after becoming frustrated with the unsustainable insurance payments that are closing private practices and burning out Physical Therapists around the country. I wanted to support the profession that I love and the patients that I treat. I started with the association as a Delegate and have since moved to the Chief Delegate position. This role has allowed me to take part in APTA federal office elections, engage in discussion, debate, & voting on motions that shape the future of our profession, meet with staffers in the US Senate & House of Representative to discuss bills in Congress that affect Physical Therapy, and finally meet with Vermont State Senators & Representatives. 


At the Federal level, the APTA is advocating for a number of bills in Congress that aim to increase patient access. These topics include allowing Physical Therapists (PTs) to the work in community health centers, which service rural and under-served populations; allowing Medicare patients to access PT without a physician referral, thus reducing wait time and improving patient access; increasing fall risk screening by PTs to at-risk Medicare patients; and increasing awareness & access to post-partum PT services for those served under Medicaid and CHIP programs.  If you are interested in learning more about these initiatives, check out the APTA's Advocacy Page.


If you want to learn more about the benefits of Physical Therapy, check out APTA’s Patient Information page, called Choose PT.


My engagement with the APTA has been enlightening and fulfilling, and I look forward to my continued work to help grow and protect our wonderful profession!