Get Pumped Up for Paddle Sports!

Paddle sports, whether it be paddle boarding, kayaking, or canoeing, are a great way to get outside, enjoy nature, and get a great workout. While using a paddle obviously works the upper body, it also involves the trunk and legs. Controlling the vessel requires a combination of pushing and pulling through the arms, rotation through the trunk, and the ability to resist rotation through the trunk and hips.
Below are a set of exercises to specifically train your body for the mobility and strength demands of paddling. Progress the stability and balance challenge of these exercises by performing on an uneven surface (such as a foam pad or folded yoga mat) or with a narrow base of support (for example, tightrope stance or single leg stance). While these strengthening exercises are pictured in a standing position, you can also perform them sitting on a stability ball to better simulate the postural demands of kayaking or canoeing.
Like any sport, it’s important to prepare the body to meet the demands of the activity to reduce one’s risk for injury. Ensure your fun in the sun isn’t dampened by muscle soreness and fatigue by following this exercise routine!
Standing Single Arm Row
REPS: 10 SETS: 2
Begin in a standing upright position holding the end of a resistance band in one hand, facing the anchor point.
With your thumb up, pull your arm back and retract your shoulder blade against the resistance band, then return to the starting position and repeat.
Make sure to keep your back straight during the exercise and think of squeezing your shoulder blades together.
Standing Single Arm Chest Press
REPS: 10 SETS: 2
Begin in a standing upright position, holding one end of a resistance band that is anchored behind you at shoulder height.
Slowly push your arm forward, with your palm facing down, then return to the starting position and repeat.
Make sure to keep your back straight and abdominals tight during the exercise.
Standing Anti-Rotation Press
REPS: 10 SETS: 2
Begin in a standing upright position holding a resistance band in both hands that is anchored at your side.
Press your arms straight forward. Hold briefly, then bring your arms back in and repeat.
Make sure to keep your knees slightly bent and do not let your trunk rotate as you press the band forward.
Standing Diagonal Chop
REPS: 10 SETS: 2
Begin in a standing upright position, holding the end of a resistance band with both hands. The band should be anchored above and to your side.
Slowly pull the band down and across your body in a diagonal movement, rotating your trunk, then return to starting position and repeat.
Make sure to keep your arms straight, and activate your core muscles as you rotate your trunk.
Standing Reverse Chop
REPS: 10 SETS: 2
Begin standing upright holding the ends of a resistance band with both hands. The resistance band should be out in front and anchored to the side at floor level.
Contract your lower stomach muscles and hold. Bend your knees and bring your hands towards the anchor point. Keeping your elbows straight, pull up against the resistance as you rotate away from the anchor point. Return to the starting position and repeat.
Make sure to breathe throughout the exercise and rotate through your body rather than your arms.
Sidelying Open Book
Begin lying on your side with your bottom leg straight, your top leg bent at 90 a degree angle, and your arms straight on the ground together.
Slowly move your top arm away from your other arm, toward the floor on the other side, rotating your trunk at the same time.
Make sure to keep your top leg on the floor and only go as far as you can without arching your back.
Standing Wrist Extension Stretch

Begin in a standing position with one arm in front of your body, palm facing the ceiling.
With your other hand, apply a gentle downward pressure on your fingers, bending your wrist and keeping your elbow straight.
You should feel a stretch in your wrist. Try not to apply too much pressure, this should be a gentle stretch.